Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Christianity Today 259

Mystical experience is said to lead to real knowledge of
'the truth' about the universe. This truth is inexpress­
ible in words, but it can be felt. The medium can be
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These alternative approaches to understanding Reality have been
adapted by peoplein the West on avast seale,oftenonly as ameans
of self-gratification, rather than as part of a serious attempt to find
out what life is alI about.
The Trinitarian Church has greatly accommodated itself to these
new trends in the culture of the West. In their attempts to keep the
churches full, sorne priests have introduced pop-groups and dis­
cotheques into their routine to attract young people. Concerts, ex­
hibitions and jumble-sales cater for more conservative tastes. Chari­
table concerns help establish a sense of purpose for those who in­
dulge in them. These attempts to 'modernise' the established
Church and keep it 'up to date' are in keeping with the Pauline
Church's long-standing tradition ofcompromise by allmeans. Ifit
cannot pass on the message of Jesus, it must at least provide a 'use­
ful social function'.
This process of compromise, especialIy during the present cen­
tury, has resulted both in the continued absorption of the Church
into the culture, and of the re-absorption of the culture into this
changing structure of the Church. It is a two-way process which
has endlessly been alternating since Paul and his followers set it in
motion. Many people have 'returned to Christianity' as a result of
their experience with music, drugs and meditation. They tend ei­
ther to completely reject these experiences, and adopt a puritani­
cal form of Christianity, or else they incorporate their new way of
life into their ownupdatedversion ofChristianity. Both thesetrends
cover up the prophethood of Jesus. He is either exalted as God or
regarded as no more than a charismatic cult figure, a 'Jesus Christ
Superstar' who meant well, but was misunderstood.
The continuing identification of the established Trinitarian
Church with the culture of the West and the two-way assimilation
process between the two is c1earlyapparent simply by observing
how people live today: With the exception of those who have with­
drawn into monasteries and convents to remember God, the life­
style of those who calI themselves Christians often closely resem­
bles the life-styles of those who elaim to be agnostics, humanists or
atheists. Their beliefs may be different, but their general behav­
iour is the same.

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