Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

290 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

And God will say, '0 Jesus son of Mary, remember My
blessing on you and on your mother -how 1 strength­
ened you with the pure spirit (the angel Gabriel), so that
you spoke to people from the cradle and as a man; and
how 1 taught you the Book, and wisdom and the Torah
and the Ingil; and how you made the shape of a bird
from clay by My permission, and then breathed into it,
so that it became a bird by My permission; and how
you healed him who was bom blind and the Ieper by
My permission; and how you raised the dead by My
permission; and how 1restrained theTribe of Israel from
harming you when you came to them with clear proofs,
and those of them who disbelieved said, "Surely this is
nothing but magic!" And (remember) when 1 inspired
the disciples to, "Believe in Me and in My Messenger,"
and they sai d, "We believe, so bear witness that we are

And (remember) when the disciples said, '0 Jesus son
of Mary, is your Lord able to send down a table from
heaven for us?' He replied, 'Fear God if you are believ­
ers!' They said, 'We want to eat from it, and put our
hearts at ease, and know that you have told us the truth,
and be among those who witness it.' Jesus son of Mary
said, '0God, our Lord, send down a table from heaven
for us with a feast for us, for the first of us and the last
of us, and as a sign from You, and provide for us -and
You are the Best of those who provide.' God said, 'Surely
1 will send it down for you -and if any of you disbe­
lieves afterwards, then 1 will surely punish him with a
punishment withwhich1 havenever punished anyone
else in all the worlds before!'

(It is said that this feast replenished itself as long as no
one stored up any of it for the next day, and that as soon
as someone did this, it disappeared. God knows best.)

And when God says, '0Jesus son of Mary, did you say
to people, "Iake me and my mother as two gods înstead
of God,"?'he will reply,'Glorybe to You -itwas not for
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