Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesus in Qur'an 297

from among them were those who disbelieved; and if
God had wanted, they would not have fought with each
other, but God does what He wants. (Qur'an 2: 253)

Thus in spite of his extraordinary purity, and the piercing clarity of
his words and signs, there were inevitably people who rejected
Jesus, both while he was on earth and after he had been taken away
from it:

And when the son of Mary is given as an example your
people turn away from it and say, 'Are our gods better,
or him?' And they only mention him for the sake of ar­
gument - indeed, they are an argumentative people!
Surely he was only a slave whom Weblessed, and whom
We gave as an example to the Tribe of Israel. And if We
had wanted, We could certainly have put angels among
you to be leaders in the earth; and surely there is cer­
tainly knowledge about the Hour, so do not be in any
doubt about it, and follow Me -that is the straight path;
and do not let shaytan lead you astray - surely he is
clearly your enemy.

And when Iesus came with clear proofs, he said,'I have
indeed come to you with wisdom and in order to clarify
what you used to disagree about for you - so fear God
and obey me. Surely it is God Who is my Lord and your
Lord, so worship Him - that is the straight path.'

But the groups among them disagreed - so woe to those
who do wrong, from the punishment of a painful Day.
(Qur'an 43: 57-65).


And We certainly sent Noah and Abraham, and placed
the prophethood and the Book among their descend­
ants: among them is he who is rightly guided, and many
of them are evil-livers. Then We made Our Messengers
follow in their footsteps, and WemadeJesus son of Mary
follow on, and We gave him the lngil, and We placed
compassion and merey in the hearts of those who fol­
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