Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesus in Qur'an 301

for this reason that there are so many passages in the Qur'an which
are addressed to such people, who are often referred to as the 'Peo­
ple of the Book' a title indicating - more then than now - both their
common genealogical link with the Tribe of Israel as weIl as the
fact that their way of life was, and is, at least to sorne extent still
based on one of the earlier divine revelations.
Although many of these passages may appear to have been di­
rected primarily towards the followers of Middle Eastern and North
African Judaism and Christianity who were alive when the Qur'an
was first revealed during the early 7th century AD, it is clear that
they often apply equally, if not more so, to the followers of the
various European versions of [udaisrn and Christianity which, as
we have already seen, developed at a later stage. If is equally clear
that they still often apply towards today's [ews and Christians,
whatever the version of Iudaism or Christianity that they may now
claim to be following. In the Qur'an God promises those from
among the People of the Book who are sincere in their actions that
they will have nothing to fear:

Surely those who believe and those who are [ews and
the Sabaeans and the Christians - whoever believes in
God and the Last Day and does good - they shall not be
afraid and they shall not be sad. (Qur'an 5: 69).

And that they will receive what is due to them:

Surely those who believe and those who are [ews and
the Christians and the Sabaeans - whoever believes in
God and the Last Day and does good - surely their re­
ward is with their Lord and they shall not be afraid and
they shall not be sad. (Qur'an 2: 62).

And that God will judge between them on the Last Day:

Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and
the Sabaeans and the Christians and the Magians and
those who worship idols - surely God will judge be­
tween them on the Day of Standing; surely God is Wit­
ness of every thing. (Qur'an 22: 17).
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