Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

304 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

Indeed, and as for whoever submits his will to God while
doing good, then his reward is with his Lord - and they
shan not be afraid and they shan not be sad. And the
Jews say,'TheChristiansdo not have anything,' and the
Christians say, 'The Jews do not have anything,' - and
theybothrecite the Book!Thatis howthose whodo not
know speak - and God will judge between them, con­
ceming what they used to disagree about, on the Day of
Standing. (Qur'an 2: 111-113).


And the Jews and the Christians say, 'We are sons of
God and His loved ones.' Say: 'Then why does He pun­
ish you for your wrong actions?' - Certainly you are
humanbeingswhomHe has created. He forgives whom­
ever He wishes, and He punishes whomever He wishes,
and dominion over the heavens and the earth and what
is between them belongs to God -and the journeying is
to Him. (Qur'an 5: 18).

And certainly God makes it clear that He can forgive anything ex­
cept shirk, which is worshipping other than Him instead of Him:

Surely God does not forgive partners being associated
with Him, but He forgives whomever He wishes any­
thing other than that - and whoever associates partners
with God has certainly gone far astray. (Qur'an 4: 116).

And certainly God makes it clear that it is He Who decides who is
for the Fire and who is for the Garden, and not anyone else:

And as for those who believe and do good, We shan
bring them into Gardens underneath which rivers flow,
in which they will dwell for ever. lt is a promise from
God which is true, and who can be more truthful than
God in what is said? lt will not be as you wish, and it
will not be as the People of the Book wish: Whoever
does evil will receive its reward - and will not find any
friend or any helper other than God. And whoever does
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