Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

320 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

And when Allah says, '0 Jesus son of Mary,
did you say to people, uTake me and my
mother as two gods instead of Allah,"?' he will
reply, 'Glory be to You - it was not for me to
say what 1 had no right to say! If1 ever said
that, then You would certainly know il You
know what is in me, and 1 do not know what
is in You -surely it is only You Who knows
what is hidden. 1 only told them what You
commanded me - to, "Worship Allah, my Lord
andyourLord," andwhile1dwe1tamongthem
1was awatcheroverthem, andwhenYoutook
me up, then You were a Watcher over them ­
and You watch over everything.

(Qur'an: Surat al-Ma'ida -5: 116-117)
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