Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

328 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

Bucaille, Dr. M., The Bible, the Qur'an and Science, 4th Edn.
Burnet, Gilbert, An Abridgement of theHistory of the
Bury, Arthur, The Naked Gospel, 1699.

Carmichael, Joel, The Death ofJesus, 1962.
Carnegie, W.H., Why andWhat I Believe in Christianity,
Carveri, The Life ofJesus.
Cary, Parsons andPagans -An Indictment ofChristianity,
Celsus, Arguments ofCelsus (translated by Lardner), 1830.
Chadwick, H., Alexandrian Christianity, 1954.
Chadwick, H., The Early Church, 1967.
Channing, W.E.,TheCharacterand Writing ofMilton, 1826.
Channing, W.E., The Superior Tenden~ of Unitarianism,
Channing, W.E., The Works ofChanning, 1840-1844.
Chapman, Colin, Christianity on Trial, 1974.
Chapman, John, The Condemnation ofPope Honorius, 1907.
Charles, R.H., The Book ofJublilees, 1917.
Charles, R.H., The Apocrypha andPseudo-Epiapapha of the
Old Testament.
Chesterton, G.K., Orthodoxy, 1909.
Chillingworth, W., The Religion of theProtestants.
Clarke, Samuel, The Bible, 1867.
Clodd, Edward, Gibbon andChristianity, 1916
Cooke, Rev.,Reply toMontgomery, 1883.
Cooke, Rev., True to HimseIJ, 1883.
Corelli, Marie, Barnabas -A Novel, 1893.
Corelli, Marie, Council ofNicea and St. Athanasius, 1898.
Cox, Edwin, The Elusive Jesus.
Craver, Marcello, The Lift ofJesus, 1967.
Cross, Frank Moore, The AncientLibrary ofQumran and
Modern Biblical Studies.
Culligan, The ArianMovement, 1913.
Cummins, G.D., The Childhood ofJesus, 1972.
Cunningham, Francis, A Dissertation on theBooks of
Origen AgainstCelsus, 1812.
Curll, Edward, Historical Account of theLift ofJohn Toland,
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