Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

330 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

Haines, Religious Persecution.

Hall, L, The Continuity ofRevelation, 1908.

Harnack, Adolf, Christianity andHistory, (translated by

5aunders), 1900.
Harnack, Adolf, Outlines of theHistory ofDogma, 1900.
Harnack, Adolf, What is Christianity?, 1901.
Harris, J.R., Celsus andAristedes, 1921.
Harwood, P., Priestly and Unitarianism, 1842.
Hastings, Dictionary ofChrist and theGospel.
Hay, J.5., Heliogabalus, 1911.
Haygood, A.G., The Monk and thePrince, 1895.
Hayne, S., The General View of theHoly Scripture, 1607.
Heinimann, John Toland, 1944.
Hermes, Hermes -A Disciple ofJesus, 1888.
Holzmann, Heinrich, Lebuch II.
Hone, W., The Apocryphal New Testament, 1820.
Hort, EJ.A., SixLectures on theAnte-Nicene Fathers, 1895.
Huddleston, Toland's History of the Druids, 1814.
Hunt, Jesus Christ, 1904.
Hussain, Iftekhar Bano, Prophets in theQur'an, Volume Two:
The Later Prophets, 1995.

Hynes, S., The Manifesto, 1697.

Ibn Kathir, The Signs before the DayofJudgement,

(translated by Huda Khattab), 1991.

Jan, John Hus -His Life, 1915.
Josephus, The Works ofFlavius Josephus, (translated by
William Whitson), 1840.
Joyce, D., The Jesus ScroIl, 1973.

Kamen, H.A.R., The Spanish Inquisition, 1965.

Kaye, J., The Council ofNicea, 1853.

Kaye, J., The Ecclesiastic History of the 2nd & 3rdCenturies,

Kaye, J., The Sermons, 1850.
Kaspary, J., TheLifeof the RealJesus, 1904.
Kaspary, J., The Origin, Growth, and Decline ofChristianity,

Kelly, J.N.D., Early Christian Creeds, 1949.

Kirkgaldy, The NewTheology and theOld, 1910.
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