Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
An Historical Account ofJesus 23

cousin, was part of this movement and was probably one of the
first to be baptised. It is likely that Barnabas, who was his constant
companion, was baptised with Jesus, and also his other compan­
ion, Mathias.
John knew that the 'vipers' were going to succeed before he
could start the fight and, therefore, the baptism of Jesus gave him
great satisfaction inasmuch as he was sure that his movement would
not end with his IHe. As was foreseen by John, Herod the tetrarch
had him beheaded and his mantle fell upon the shoulders of lesus,
Jesus was now thirty years old. His mission lasted for not more
than three years. He realised that his period of preparation was
over, The most significant part of his life had begun.
In order to appreciate the full significance of this time, we will
have to view the life of Jesus against the background of history,
and in particular, the history of the [ews, This will further clarify
the picture which has already begun to emerge -that the existence
of the Essene community, the activities of John, and finally, the con­
fliet between Jesus and the Romans, were all a part of one pattern
which repeats itself again and again throughout the history of the
Jews: In every case, what finally moved the [ews to revoIt against
their foreign invaders was the attempt of these rulers to make them
associate partners with their Lord. Their recognition of the Divine
Unity, and the conviction that there is no object of worship other
then God, was categorie.

o o o o o

As rulers, the Jews often displayed an utter lack of statesmanship,
althoughthey flourished in political slavery. After the twelve tribes
of the Tribe of Israel had escapedwithMoses and hisbrotherAaron
from Egypt, in approximately the 13th century BC, and after they
had eventually settled in their promised land, a succession of Proph­
ets was sent to guide them and to keep the teachings of Moses
which had been revealed to him on Mount Sinai - the Torah -pure
andalive. Amongst these Prophets were David, to whom the Psalms

  • the Zabur -were revealed, and his son Solomon, who was given
    great wisdom and an extraordinary mastery over the creation by
    God. It has been estimated that David ruled from approximately
    1,000 to 960 BC, and that Solomon ruled from approximately 960
    to 922Be. Under their combined rule, therefore, peace be on them,
    the twelve tribes of the Tribe of Israel were united in one kingdom
    under rightly-guided prophetie rule for aImost a century.

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