Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
An Historical Account of Jesus 29

As we have already seen, only the first five books of this collection,
which are usually referred to as the Pentateuch, are linked directly
withMoses,althoughit is clear that theyneitherconstitute the origi­
nal Torah which was revealed to mm, nor were they written 'by'
him. Even as regards these first five books, Dr Maurice Bucaille
points out that prior to the versions which were written during
and after the exile in Babylon - the first of which (said to be corn­
piled by Ezra) is commonly known as the Sacerdotal version - there
were already at least three sources: the Yahvist version (in which
God is named Yaweh), the Elohist version (in which God is named
Elohim) and Deuteronomy -aIl of which were used to produce the
Sacerdotal version, which was preached in the Temple after its re­
construction in about 515 OC, and all of which have been dated
and located in time and place:

1.   The Yahvistversion was situated in the Ninth

century BC (written in [udah),

2. The Elohist version was probably a little more

recent (written in Israel).

  1. Deuteronomy was from the Eighth century BC for
    sorne (E. Jacob), and from the time of[osiah[the
    Seventh century Be] for others (Father de Vaux).

  2. The Sacerdotal version came from the period of exile
    or after the exile: Sixth century Be. 8

Dr Bucaille continues:

It may be seen that the arrangement of the text of the
Pentateuch spans at least three centuries.
Theproblemis, however, even more complex. In 1941,
A. Lods singled out three sources inthe Yahvist version,
four in the Elohist version, six in Deuteronomy, nine in
the Sacerdotal version, 'not including the additions
spread out among eight different authors,' writes Fa­
ther de Vaux. More recently, it has been thought that,
'many of the constitutions Of laws contained inthe Pen­
tateuch had parallels outside the Bible going back much
further than the dates ascribed to the documents them­
selves,' and that, 'many of the stories of the Pentateuch
presupposed a background that was different from - and
older than - the one from which these documents were
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