Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
An Historical Account ofJesus 37

at what actually happened. It is dear, however, that the Roman
government succeeded in utilising the services of the small minor­
ity of Jews who had a vested interest in the continuation of Roman
rule over [erusalem,
Judas Iscariot, a disciple of Jesus, was won over on the promise
of receiving thirty pieces of silver, if, through ms help, Jesus was
arrested. In order to avoid any further trouble, it was decided to
make the attempt at night. On reaching the place where Jesus had
gone with a few of ms followers, Judas was told to kiss Jesus, so
that the foreign Roman soldiers could identify mm. The plan mis­
carried. When thesoldiers materialised from the darkness, a tu­
mult ensued. The two [ews were mixed up in the dark, and the
soldiers mistakenly arrested Judas instead of Jesus. Thus, the lat­
ter made good his escape. The Qur'ansays:

And they did not kill him and they did not crucify him,
but it appeared so to them. And surely those who disa­
gree about it are certainly in doubt about it -they have
no knowledge about it except that they follow specula­
tion. And they did not kill him for certain -but God
took him up to Himself. And Cod was ever Mighty, Wise.
(Qur'an 4.157-158).

ltis not altogether clear who, if anyone, was aware of the'mistake'
that had been made at the time, Certainly none of the official Gos­
pels in their present form mention il. If the Romans did become
aware of the true identity of their prisoner when he was brought
before Pilate, the Roman Magistrate, then it is possible that the dra­
matie turn of events may still have satisfied everyone. The Romans
would have made an example of someone - whoever that sorne­
one was - which was sure to ad as a deterrent. The majority of the
Jews would have been happy for, due to a miracle, the traitor was
standing in the dock instead of Jesus. Even the pro-Roman [ews
would be happy, for, with the death of Judas, the proof of their
guilt would be destroyed. And furthermore, with Jesus officially
dead, he would be far less likely to come out into the open to give
them trouble.
This possible explanation, however, appears to be unlikely, given
the descriptions of what is said to have happened in the four offi­
cial Gospels. Itis far more likely that everyone really believed that
it wasJesus who had been arrested, even though they were wrong.

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