Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

48 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

There is no other known historical record of what happened to
Jesus after the'crucifixion' other than in the Gospel of Barnabas and
the Qur'an, which as we have already seen, bath describe the event
which is generally known as the'Ascension' - in which Jesus was
taken away from this world - and which is described in the Gospel
of Luke and in the Acts of the Apostles, but which, as Dr.Maurice
Bucaille points out, is not even mentioned by the other three offi­
cialIy accepted Gospels:

N either Matthew nor John speaks of Jesus' s Ascension.
Luke in his Gospel situates it on the day of the Resur­
rection, and forty days later in the Acts of the Apostles
of which he is said to be the authon Mark mentions it
(without giving a date) in a conclusion thought today
not to be authentic, The Ascension therefore has no solid
scriptural basis. Commentators nevertheless approach
this important question with incredible lightness. 19

Finally, since Jesus has not yet returned to this world, as promised
by him and as foretold by the Prophet Muhammad, may the bless­
ings and peace of God be on both of them, it is clear that the life of
Jesus on this earth has not yet been concluded, and accordingly
this historica1account of his life must remain incomplete - although
as we shall see in Chapter Ten, there are already sorne reliable
records in existence of sorne of the main events in the life of Jesus
which will take place after his return.

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