Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

52 Jesus, Prophei ofIslam

historians that the Last Supper was held in the house of Barnabas's
sister - although it must be remembered that, as we have aIready
seen, Barnabas states that it took place 'in the house of Nicodemus
beyond the brook Cedron', which was on the outskirts of [erusa­
lem. Albert Schweitzer, however, who may not have had access to
the Gospel of Barnabas, in his book The Kingdom of God and Primi­
tive Christian Belief writes:

It may be inferred from the Acts that the disciples and
the believers from Galilee met in the house of the mother
of John Mark, who later accompanied Barnabas and Paul
on the First Missionary [ourney (Acts 12:25) ...The meet­
ing place of the believers was the 'upper room', which
means the room situated immediately under the fiat roof
(Acts 1: 12-14).lt musthavebeena largeone tohold the
entire company. It was in this room that the believers
were 'all together in one place' on the day of Pentecost
(Acts 2: 1). How did it come to be identified with the
one in which Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with the
When Jesus sent two disciples from Bethany to the
city with instructions to prepare the Passover meaI for
him, he told them that they were to follow a man who
would meet them with a pitcher of water. He would
lead them to a house with a large upper room furnished
withrugs, wheretheywereto preparethe meaI. Weowe
this vaIuable piece of information to the Gospel of Mark
(Mark 14: 13-15), which rests on a tradition going back
to John Mark. Matthew only relates that Jesus sent the
two disciples with directions to inform someone in the
city, 'The Master saith, "My time is at hand; 1 keep the
Passover at thy house with my disciples," (Matthew 26:
8). Theodore Zahn was one of the first to put forward
the view that the house of the last meal of Jesus with his
disciples was identical withthat of John Mark's mother,
in which the disciples met together with the believers
from Galilee. 1

Although Schweitzer says the house was that of John Mark's
mother,he does notremindusthatMark's motherwasthesisterof
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