Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

76 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

This conduct will make them suspect all to be a cheat
and imposture, because men will naturally cry out when
they are touched in a tender part ... No man will be
angry at a question who is able to answer it '"

Finally Toland asks:

5ince the Nazarenes or Ebionites are by all the Church
historians unanimously acknowledged to have been the
first Christians, or those who believed in Christ among
the [ews with which, his own people, he lived and died,
they having been the witness of his actions, and ofwhom
were all the Apostles, considering this, 1say how was it
possible for them to be the first of all others (for they
were made to be the first heretics), who should form
wrong conceptions of the doctrines and designs of Je­
sus? And how came the Gentiles who believed on him
after his death by the preaching of persons that never
knew him to have truer notions of the se things, or
whence could they have their information but from the
believing Jews? 11

How, or whence, indeed!

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