Food Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots

(Tina Meador) #1

chAPTer 4: sTYling & ProPs 101

Canon 5D Mark II
ISO 100
1/30 sec. at f/8
70–200mm lens

FIgure 4.17
For this photo I used real ice, backlit with diffused
sunlight coming through a window.

Canon 5D Mark II
ISO 100
1/30 sec. at f/8
70–200mm lens

FIgure 4.18
For this photo I used fake ice, backlit with diffused
sunlight coming through a window.

While there are some places that create custom, very realistic (and expensive) acrylic

ice cubes, the ice I use is relatively inexpensive and purchased through an online

retailer. If you are creating photographs that require ice and you don’t have a big

budget, this is probably a good option for you as well.

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