(nextflipdebug5) #1

9-Minute Guide to Ecstasy

Something weíve been observing in you as youíve been deliberately applying the
law of attraction and deliberately applying your desire to be deliberate crea-
tors, and deliberately wanting to allowówhat weíve noticed, almost without excep-
tion among you, is that, when you feel negative emotion, usually you beat up on
yourself. Usually, when you feel negative emotion, you feel wrongdoing in that
moment. And weíve never wanted to imply that to you. In other words, we didnít,
really. You just picked it up because youíre used to beating up on yourself. And
because your physical training teaches you more clearly to know what you donít
want than what you do want.

What we are wanting you to realize is that negative emotion is a wonderful thing,
because negative emotion is part of that guidance system that shows you how you
are flowing energy. So, next time you feel negative emotion, rather than saying,
ìAgh, shame on me. Here Iím doing it again. I keep doing it. I keep doing this
dumb thing.î Instead of beating up on yourself, instead feel appreciation for
your AWARENESS that you are feeling negative emotion. ìAh, my guidance system is
working. I can feel that Iím flowing my energy in the opposite direction of some-
thing I want.î

Whether it is a flurry or a ruckus youíre having with your child; or whether it
is an animal that you donít understand; or whether it is boys that donít behave;
or whether it is a mate that doesnít appreciate you; whether itís not having
enough money; or whether itís having a body that doesnít cooperate; or whether
itís having a dog that is biting you. It doesnít matter what the negative experi-
ence that you are having in the moment IS. The only thing that matters is that
out of it is coming a keener awareness of what you are wanting.

And as you let that negative experience serve as a catalyst to help you identify
what you DO want, and then you gently talk about why you want it, and envision
that it has already happened, or talk about, describe what it would be like to be
there, or tell others how wonderful it would be, or remember a time when you were
more there, you will feel the negative emotion go away in that moment. And the
negative emotions go awayó in that moment your energy has shifted. And your new
point of attraction has begun. Everything is about the way you are flowing en-
ergy. Everything is about what you are attracting. And you now know where you are
in every moment.

So, if we were standing in your physical shoes, this is the way we would approach
our physical life from this point forward. We would make more decisions in every
day about what we are wanting. Because, as you make more decisions, you alert all
of the universe to you. The entire universe becomes aware that you want this
thing. And every resource that you have which includes everyone and every thing
in the universe begins to focus upon you relative to that desire. You donít have
to tell themójust let it be known yourself. And as you are then now knowing what
you are wanting, your guidance system kicks in in a supreme manner. Your guidance

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