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Day Eight - Wealth

Morning Ritual:

Quote for the day:
If you understand that as you set forth thought in advance, with emotion, that you have launched
your creation, and then you walk through space and time toward that time in the future expecting
that it will be there, then we say to you from that joyful creation that youíve launched into the
future, you will be inspired to the action which is action in joy. And that is our point. When you
are taking action in your now and it is not action in joy it is our absolute promise to you that it
will not lead to a happy ending. It cannot. It defies law.

And so we say rather than being so ready to jump into action to do, to go and get, the things that
you are wanting, we say ëthink them into being, see them, visualize them and expect them and
they will beí. And you will be guided, or inspired or led to the perfect action that will bring about
the process that will lead you to that which you seek.

And there is a great difference between that which we have spoken and the way most of the world
is going about it.

from - Introduction to Abraham -


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