Evening ritual:
Quote for the night:
So what we are wanting you to realize is that the only thing, the only thing that ever keeps you
from soaring with the angels that are within you ó is your own attention to lack. Lack is really a
physical thing. It doesnít exist anywhere else in the Universe. Itís only in the physical.
In the same way that air flows easily and always to all physical beings, unless it is artificially
disrupted or prevented, abundance flows to all.
Abundance of wellness, abundance of Energy, abundance of enthusiasm, abundance of joy,
abundance of all that is desired flows to you at all timesóunless it is artificially disrupted or
When I am focused upon Well-being there can be no disruption or prevention. When I am
focused upon joy, or love, or money or vitality, it can not be prevented.
The prevention or disruption of this dynamic, eternally offered Stream of Well-Being, can be
humanly prevented or artificially disrupted in only one way. By choosing thoughts of the absence
of love, or Well-being, or abundance. By choosing thoughts of lack.
*By the powerful Law of Attraction, it is not possible to think of abundance and disallow it at the
same time.
*By the powerful Law of Attraction, it is not possible to notice the lack of abundance and allow it
at the same time.
Allowing abundance is really a very simple thing. Since it flows to me at all timesóall I have to
do is let it in.
Abrahamó10/6/96 Calendar pg. 219