Day Ten - Health
Morning Ritual:
Quote for the day:
When No and Yes mean the same
Abe no means yes ÖÖhold in your mind two words, the first word is INCLUSION meaning
things I would like to include in my experience. I would like to include abundance, I would like to
include wellness, I would like to include vitality, I would like to include oriental rug. Anything
that you are wanting to include in your experience INCLUSION. The other word is EXCLU-
SION meaning things not wanted. I would like to exclude death, Iíd like to exclude sickness Iíd
like to exclude violence. Exclusion, things NOT wanted. The thing that we so much want you to
hear is that there is no such thing as exclusion, and every time you attempt it all you really do is
include in your vibration something you donít want! You get it donít you. So what happens is you
see because youíve been trained to exclude, youíve been trained to sayî Watch out for thatî ìI
donít want thatî and all along your including that thing that you donít want. So when you say ìI
want more money I donít want debtî your actually including two contradictory vibrations within
your vibration. You get the sense of this?
Abraham tape G 6.6.96