Handbook of Psychology

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92 Psychoneuroimmunology

Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., & Glaser, R. (1992). Psychoneuroimmunol-
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nal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60,569...575.
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Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., Malarkey, W. B., Chee, M., Newton, T.,
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marital con”ict is associated with immunological down-
regulation.Psychosomatic Medicine, 55,395...409.
Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., Marucha, P. T., Malarkey, W. B., Mercado,
A. M., & Glaser, R. (1995). Slowing of wound healing by psy-
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from psychoneuroimmunology. Annual Review of Psychology,
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fected than women? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psy-
chology, 64,324...332.
Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., Page, G. G., Marucha, P. T., MacCallum,
R. C., & Glaser, R. (1998). Psychological in”uences on sur gical
recovery perspectives from psychoneuroimmunology. American
Psychologist, 53(11), 1209...1218.

Knapp, P. H., Levy, E., Giorgi, R. G., Black, P. H., Fox, B. H., &
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Koh, K. B., & Lee, B. K. (1998). Reduced lymphocyte proliferation
and interleukin-2 production in anxiety disorders. Psychoso-
matic Medicine, 60(4), 479...483.
LaPerriere, A. R., Antoni, M. H., Schneiderman, N., Ironson, G.,
Klimas, N. G., Caralis, P., et al. (1990). Exercise intervention at-
tenuates emotional distress and natural killer cell decrements fol-
lowing noti“cation of positive serologic status for HIV-1.
Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 15,229...242.
La Via, M. F., Munno, I., Lydiard, R. B., Workman, E. W., Hubbard,
J. R., Michel, Y., et al. (1996). The in”uence of stress intrusion
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and controls. Psychosomatic Medicine, 58,138...142.
Lekander, M., Furst, C. J., Rotstein, S., Hursti, T. J., & Fredrikson,
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for ovarian cancer. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 66(4),
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thoughts, and mental health after prostate cancer. Journal of
Social and Clinical Psychology, 17(1), 89...106.
Levy, S. M., Herberman, R. B., Whiteside, T., Sanzo, K., Lee, J., &
Kirkwood, J. (1990). Perceived social support and tumor
estrogen/progesterone receptor status as predictors of natural
killer cell activity in breast cancer patients. Psychosomatic Med-
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Linn, B. S., Linn, M. W., & Klimas, N. G. (1988). Effects of psy-
chophysical stress on surgical outcomes. Psychosomatic Medi-
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Locke, S. E., Kraus, L., Leserman, J., Hurst, M. W., Heisel, J. S., &
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Lutgendorf, S. K., Antoni, M. H., Ironson, G., Klimas, N. G.,
McCabe, P., Cleven, K., et al. (1997). Cognitive-behavioral
stress management decreases dysphoric mood and herpes
simplex virus-type 2 antibody titers in symptomatic HIV-
seropositive gay men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psy-
chology, 65,31...43.
Lutgendorf, S. K., Antoni, M. H., Kumar, M., & Schneiderman, N.
(1994). Changes in cognitive coping strategies predict EBV-
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