Handbook of Psychology

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262 Headaches

certainly lead to development of new psychophysiological
assessment approaches, investigation of biochemical changes
that result from treatment (e.g., Olness, Hall, Rozneicki,
Schmidt, & Theoharidies, 1999), and further development of
treatments that are more directly tied to the underlying etiol-
ogy (such as EEG biofeedback).
Researchers are only beginning to address the all-
important issues of treatment selection, treatment sequenc-
ing, and patient selection. This is a daunting task that will
require large samples and much effort. Most of the research
to date has been conducted in specialized research or treat-
ment centers, with patients who have been highly selected.
The majority of patients who seek treatment are not seen in
these settings. Importing treatments to the settings where
they are most needed (primary care) and investigating para-
meters for optimizing success will occupy much research
time in the near term. Finally, it is expected that future re-
search may identify certain headache types or situations that
are uniquely suited for behavioral interventions, such as dur-
ing pregnancy when women are advised to be very cautious
about use of certain medications (e.g., Marcus, Scharff, &
Turk, 1995).


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