Handbook of Psychology

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Psychological Treatment of IBS 405

TABLE 17.1 Controlled Trials of Cognitive and Behavioral Treatments for IBS

Authors Conditions Size Differential Results

Bennett and Wilkinson, 1985 Education, PMR, change self-talk. 12 CBT reduction on trait
Medical Care (3 drugs). 12 anxiety; both groups reduced
pain, bloating, diarrhea.
Neff and Blanchard, 1987 Education, PMR, biofeedback, 10 CBT improved more on
change self-talk, and coping. symptom composite
Symptom monitoring. 9 than SM.
Lynch and Zamble, 1989 PMR, Cognitive Therapy, 11 CBT improved more than
assertiveness training. SM on pain, constipation,
Symptom monitoring. 10 trait anxiety.
Corney et al., 1991 Education, Cognitive Therapy, 22 CBT had less avoidance of
operant procedures. food and tasks than regular
Regular medical care. 20 medical care.

Shaw et al., 1991 Education, relaxation, and 18 CBT showed greater
application. improvement on patient
Drug-Colpermin. 17 global ratings.

Blanchard et al., 1992
Study 1 Education, PMR, biofeedback, 10 Both treated groups
change in self-talk and coping. improved more on symptom
Psuedo-meditation and EEG alpha 10 composite than SM; No
suppression biofeedback. difference between CBT and
Symptom monitoring. 10 attention placebo.
Study 2 CBT. 31 Both treated groups
Placebo. 30 improved more on
Symptom monitoring. 31 symptom composite than
SM; No difference between
CBT and placebo.
van Dulmen et al., 1996 Group: Education, PMR, change in 27 CBT improved more than
coping and cognitions. wait-list on pain.
Wait-list. 20
Toner et al., 1998 Group: Education, pain 101 CBT showed more reduction
management, assertiveness training, Total on BDI and on bloating than
cognitive therapy. regular medical care.
Group: Psycho-education. No difference between two
group treatments.
Heymann-Monnikes et al., 2000 CBTStandard Medical Care 12 CBTSMC showed greater
(Education, PMR, Cognitive Therapy reduction in IBS symptoms,
and Coping, Assertiveness Training). other GI symptoms, and
Standard medical care. 12 psychological symptoms,
than SMC alone.
Relaxation Alone
Blanchard et al., 1993 PMR and application. 8 Relaxation improved more on
Symptom monitoring. 8 symptom composite than
Keefer and Blanchard, 2001 Meditative relaxation. 6 Relaxation improved more
Symptom monitoring. 7 on symptom composite than

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