CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1

1.1. Basic Geometric Definitions

c) AreKandFcollinear?

d) AreE,BandFcoplanar?


a) PlaneBDG. Any combination of three coplanar points that are not collinear would be correct.



AB. Any combination of two of the lettersA,B, orCwould also work.

c) Yes

d) Yes

Example C

Describe the picture below using all the geometric terms you have learned.

ABandDare coplanar in PlaneP, while




ACintersect at pointCwhich is non-coplanar.

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter1BasicGeometricDefinitionsB


Apointis an exact location in space. Alineis infinitely many points that extend forever in both directions. Aplane
is infinitely many intersecting lines that extend forever in all directions. Spaceis the set of all points extending
in three dimensions. Points that lie on the same line arecollinear. Points and/or lines within the same plane are
coplanar. Anendpointis a point at the end of part of a line. Aline segmentis a part of a line with two endpoints. A
rayis a part of a line with one endpoint that extends forever in the direction opposite that point. Anintersectionis a
point or set of points where lines, planes, segments, or rays cross. Apostulateis a basic rule of geometry is assumed
to be true. Atheoremis a statement that can be proven true using postulates, definitions, and other theorems that
have already been proven.

Guided Practice

  1. What best describes the surface of a movie screen?

A. point

B. line

C. plane

  1. Answer the following questions about the picture.

a) Is linelcoplanar with PlaneV, PlaneW, both, or neither?

b) AreRandQcollinear?

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