CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 3. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

3.3 Corresponding Angles

Here you’ll learn what corresponding angles are and their relationship with parallel lines.

What if you were presented with two angles that are in the same place with respect to the transversal but on different
lines? How would you describe these angles and what could you conclude about their measures? After completing
this Concept, you’ll be able to answer these questions using your knowledge of corresponding angles.

Watch This


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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter3CorrespondingAnglesA

Watch the portions of this video dealing with corresponding angles.


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James Sousa:Angles and Transversals

Watch this video beginning at the 4:50 mark.


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James Sousa:Corresponding Angles Postulate


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James Sousa:Corresponding Angles Converse

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