CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 5. Relationships with Triangles

b) IfHN=14, findNKandHK.

a)JNis two-thirds ofJM. So,JN=^23 · 18 =12.NMis either half of 12, a third of 18 or 18−12.NM=6.

b)HNis two-thirds ofHK. So, 14=^23 ·HKandHK= 14 ·^32 =21.NKis a third of 21, half of 14, or 21−14.

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter5MediansB

Concept Problem Revisited

The point that you should put the wire through is the centroid. That way, each triangle will balance on the wire.

The triangle that we wanted to plot on thex−yplane is to the right. Drawing all the medians, it looks like the
centroid is (8, 4). To verify this, you could find the equation of two medians and set them equal to each other and
solve forx. Two equations arey=^12 xandy=− 4 x+36. Setting them equal to each other, we find thatx=8 and


Amedianis the line segment that joins a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side in a triangle. Amidpoint
is a point that divides a segment into two equal pieces. Acentroidis the point of intersection for the medians of a

Guided Practice

  1. Find the equation of the median fromBto the midpoint ofACfor the triangle in thex−yplane below.

2.His the centroid of 4 ABCandDC= 5 y−16. Findxandy.

  1. True or false: The median bisects the side it intersects.


  1. To find the equation of the median, first we need to find the midpoint ofAC, using the Midpoint Formula.


− 6 + 6



− 4 +(− 4 )








− 8



= ( 0 ,− 4 )

Now, we have two points that make a line,Band the midpoint. Find the slope andy−intercept.

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