CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1

6.5. Parallelogram Classification

Example B

Is a rhombus SOMETIMES, ALWAYS, or NEVER a square? Explain your reasoning.

A rhombus has four congruent sides, while a square has four congruent sides and angles. Therefore, a rhombus is
only a square when it also has congruent angles. So, a rhombus is SOMETIMES a square.

Example C

List everything you know about the squareSQRE.

A square has all the properties of a parallelogram, rectangle and rhombus.


Properties of Parallelograms Properties of Rhombuses Properties of Rectangles

• SQ||ER •SQ∼=ER∼=SE∼=QR •^6 SER∼=^6 SQR∼=^6 QSE ∼=

(^6) QRE


• SQ∼=ER •^6 SEQ∼=^6 QER∼=^6 SQE ∼=

(^6) EQR

• SA∼=AR∼=QA∼=AE

• SE∼=QR •^6 QSR ∼=^6 RSE ∼=^6 QRS ∼=

(^6) SRE

• SA∼=AR

• QA∼=AE

•^6 SER∼=^6 SQR

•^6 QSE∼=^6 QRE

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