CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 9. Circles

9.2 Tangent Lines

Here you’ll learn two theorems about tangent lines and how to apply them.

What if a line were drawn outside a circle that appeared to touch the circle at only one point? How could you
determine if that line were actually a tangent? After completing this Concept, you’ll be able to apply theorems to
solve tangent problems like this one.

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter9TangentLinesA


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James Sousa:TangentLines to a Circle


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James Sousa:TangentLines to a Circle Example Problems


The tangent line and the radius drawn to the point of tangency have a unique relationship. Let’s investigate it here.

Investigation: Tangent Line and Radius Property

Tools needed: compass, ruler, pencil, paper, protractor

  1. Using your compass, draw a circle. Locate the center and draw a radius. Label the radiusAB, withAas the

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