CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 10. Perimeter and Area

Example A

What is the perimeter of a regular octagon with 4 inch sides?

If each side is 4 inches and there are 8 sides, that means the perimeter is 8(4 in) = 32 inches.

Example B

The perimeter of a regular heptagon is 35 cm. What is the length of each side?

IfP=ns, then 35cm= 7 s. Therefore,s= 5 cm.

Example C

Find the length of the apothem in the regular octagon. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

To find the length of the apothem,AB, you will need to use the trig ratios. First, findm^6 CAD. There are 360◦around
a point, som^6 CAD=^360

8 =^45

◦. Now, we can use this to find the other two angles in 4 CAD.m (^6) ACBandm (^6) ADC
are equal because 4 CADis a right triangle.
m^6 CAD+m^6 ACB+m^6 ADC= 180 ◦
45 ◦+ 2 m^6 ACB= 180 ◦
2 m^6 ACB= 135 ◦
m^6 ACB= 67. 5 ◦
To findAB, we must use the tangent ratio. You can use either acute angle.
tan 67. 5 ◦=



AB= 6 ·tan 67. 5 ◦≈ 14. 49

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter10AreaofRegularPolygonsB

Concept Problem Revisited

From the picture below, we can see that the total distance across the Pentagon is the length of the apothem plus
the length of the radius. If the total area of the Pentagon is 34 acres, that is 2,720,000 square feet. Therefore, the
area equation is 2720000=^12 a( 921 )( 5 )and the apothem is 590.66 ft. To find the radius, we can either use the
Pythagorean Theorem, with the apothem and half the length of a side or the sine ratio. Recall from Example 5, that
each central angle in a pentagon is 72◦, so we would use half of that for the right triangle.

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