CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 12. Rigid Transformations

U F=

1852 +(− 204 )^2 ∼= 275. 4 miles,PF=

622 + 912 ∼= 110. 1 miles


Atransformationis an operation that moves, flips, or otherwise changes a figure to create a new figure. Arigid
transformation(also known as anisometryorcongruence transformation) is a transformation that does not
change the size or shape of a figure. The new figure created by a transformation is called theimage. The original
figure is called thepreimage. Atranslationis a transformation that moves every point in a figure the same distance
in the same direction. Avectoris a quantity that has direction and size. Thecomponent formof a vector combines
the horizontal distance traveled and the vertical distance traveled.

Guided Practice

  1. Find the translation rule for 4 T RIto 4 T′R′I′.

  2. Draw the vector

STwith component form〈 2 ,− 5 〉.

  1. Triangle 4 ABChas coordinatesA( 3 ,− 1 ),B( 7 ,− 5 )andC(− 2 ,− 2 ). Translate 4 ABCusing the vector〈− 4 , 5 〉.
    Determine the coordinates of 4 A′B′C′.

  2. Write the translation rule for the vector translation from #3.


  1. Look at the movement fromTtoT′.Tis (-3, 3) andT′is (3, -1). The change inxis 6 units to the right and the
    change inyis 4 units down. Therefore, the translation rule is(x,y)→(x+ 6 ,y− 4 ).

  2. The graph is the vector

ST. From the initial pointSit moves down 5 units and to the right 2 units.

  1. It would be helpful to graph 4 ABC. To translate 4 ABC, add each component of the vector to each point to find
    4 A′B′C′.

A( 3 ,− 1 )+〈− 4 , 5 〉=A′(− 1 , 4 )

B( 7 ,− 5 )+〈− 4 , 5 〉=B′( 3 , 0 )

C(− 2 ,− 2 )+〈− 4 , 5 〉=C′(− 6 , 3 )

  1. To write〈− 4 , 5 〉as a translation rule, it would be(x,y)→(x− 4 ,y+ 5 ).


  1. What is the difference between a vector and a ray?

Use the translation(x,y)→(x+ 5 ,y− 9 )for questions 2-8.

  1. What is the image ofA(− 6 , 3 )?

  2. What is the image ofB( 4 , 8 )?

  3. What is the preimage ofC′( 5 ,− 3 )?

  4. What is the image ofA′?

  5. What is the preimage ofD′( 12 , 7 )?

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