CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 1. Basics of Geometry

  • Compass

  • Angle Addition Postulate

  • Congruent

  • Midpoint

  • Midpoint Postulate

  • Segment Bisector

  • Perpendicular Bisector

  • Perpendicular Bisector Postulate

  • Angle Bisector

  • Angle Bisector Postulate

  • Complementary

  • Supplementary

  • Adjacent Angles

  • Linear Pair

  • Linear Pair Postulate

  • Vertical Angles

  • Vertical Angles Theorem

  • Triangle

  • Right Triangle

  • Obtuse Triangle

  • Acute Triangle

  • Equiangular Triangle

  • Scalene Triangle

  • Isosceles Triangle

  • Equilateral Triangle

  • Polygon

  • Diagonals

Chapter Review

Match the definition or description with the correct word.

TABLE1.2:short caption

Definition/Description Answer

  1. When three points lie on the same line. A. Measure

  2. All vertical angles are ____. B. Congruent

  3. Linear pairs add up to ___. C. Angle Bisectors

  4. Themin from ofm^6 ABC. D. Ray

  5. What you use to measure an angle. E. Collinear

  6. When two sides of a triangle are congruent. F. Perpendicular.
    7.⊥ G. Line

  7. A line that passes through the midpoint of another

H. Protractor

  1. An angle that is greater than 90◦. I. Segment Addition Postulate.

  2. The intersection of two planes is a ___. J. Obtuse
    11.AB+BC=AC K. Point

  3. An exact location in space. L. 180◦

  4. A sunbeam, for example M. Isosceles

  5. Every angle has exactly one. N. Pentagon

  6. A closed figure with 5 sides. O. Hexagon

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