CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1

  • 1 Basics of Geometry Contents

    • 1.1 Basic Geometric Definitions

    • 1.2 Distance Between Two Points

    • 1.3 Congruent Angles and Angle Bisectors

    • 1.4 Midpoints and Segment Bisectors

    • 1.5 Angle Measurement

    • 1.6 Angle Classification

    • 1.7 Complementary Angles

    • 1.8 Supplementary Angles

    • 1.9 Linear Pairs

    • 1.10 Vertical Angles

    • 1.11 Triangle Classification

    • 1.12 Polygon Classification

  • 2 Reasoning and Proof

    • 2.1 Conjectures and Counterexamples

    • 2.2 If-Then Statements

    • 2.3 Converse, Inverse, and Contrapositive

    • 2.4 Inductive Reasoning from Patterns

    • 2.5 Deductive Reasoning

    • 2.6 Truth Tables

    • 2.7 Properties of Equality and Congruence

    • 2.8 Two-Column Proofs

  • 3 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

    • 3.1 Parallel and Skew Lines

    • 3.2 Perpendicular Lines

    • 3.3 Corresponding Angles

    • 3.4 Alternate Interior Angles

    • 3.5 Alternate Exterior Angles

    • 3.6 Same Side Interior Angles

    • 3.7 Slope in the Coordinate Plane

    • 3.8 Parallel Lines in the Coordinate Plane

    • 3.9 Perpendicular Lines in the Coordinate Plane

    • 3.10 Distance Formula in the Coordinate Plane

    • 3.11 Distance Between Parallel Lines

  • 4 Triangles and Congruence

    • 4.1 Triangle Sum Theorem

    • 4.2 Exterior Angles Theorems

    • 4.3 Congruent Triangles

    • 4.4 Congruence Statements

    • 4.5 Third Angle Theorem Contents

    • 4.6 SSS Triangle Congruence

    • 4.7 SAS Triangle Congruence

    • 4.8 ASA and AAS Triangle Congruence

    • 4.9 HL Triangle Congruence

    • 4.10 Isosceles Triangles

    • 4.11 Equilateral Triangles

  • 5 Relationships with Triangles

    • 5.1 Midsegment Theorem

    • 5.2 Perpendicular Bisectors

    • 5.3 Angle Bisectors in Triangles

    • 5.4 Medians

    • 5.5 Altitudes

    • 5.6 Comparing Angles and Sides in Triangles

    • 5.7 Triangle Inequality Theorem

    • 5.8 Indirect Proof in Algebra and Geometry

  • 6 Polygons and Quadrilaterals

    • 6.1 Interior Angles in Convex Polygons

    • 6.2 Exterior Angles in Convex Polygons

    • 6.3 Parallelograms

    • 6.4 Quadrilaterals that are Parallelograms

    • 6.5 Parallelogram Classification

    • 6.6 Trapezoids

    • 6.7 Kites

    • 6.8 Quadrilateral Classification

  • 7 Similarity

    • 7.1 Forms of Ratios

    • 7.2 Proportion Properties

    • 7.3 Similar Polygons and Scale Factors

    • 7.4 AA Similarity

    • 7.5 Indirect Measurement

    • 7.6 SSS Similarity

    • 7.7 SAS Similarity

    • 7.8 Triangle Proportionality

    • 7.9 Parallel Lines and Transversals

    • 7.10 Proportions with Angle Bisectors

    • 7.11 Dilation

    • 7.12 Dilation in the Coordinate Plane

    • 7.13 Self-Similarity

  • 8 Right Triangle Trigonometry

    • 8.1 Pythagorean Theorem and Pythagorean Triples

    • 8.2 Applications of the Pythagorean Theorem

    • 8.3 Inscribed Similar Triangles

    • 8.4 45-45-90 Right Triangles

    • 8.5 30-60-90 Right Triangles

    • 8.6 Sine, Cosine, Tangent

    • 8.7 Trigonometric Ratios with a Calculator

    • 8.8 Trigonometry Word Problems

    • 8.9 Inverse Trigonometric Ratios Contents

    • 8.10 Laws of Sines and Cosines

  • 9 Circles

    • 9.1 Parts of Circles

    • 9.2 Tangent Lines

    • 9.3 Arcs in Circles

    • 9.4 Chords in Circles

    • 9.5 Inscribed Angles in Circles

    • 9.6 Inscribed Quadrilaterals in Circles

    • 9.7 Angles On and Inside a Circle

    • 9.8 Angles Outside a Circle

    • 9.9 Segments from Chords

    • 9.10 Segments from Secants

    • 9.11 Segments from Secants and Tangents

    • 9.12 Circles in the Coordinate Plane

  • 10 Perimeter and Area

    • 10.1 Area and Perimeter of Rectangles

    • 10.2 Area of a Parallelogram

    • 10.3 Area and Perimeter of Triangles

    • 10.4 Area of Composite Shapes

    • 10.5 Area and Perimeter of Trapezoids

    • 10.6 Area and Perimeter of Rhombuses and Kites

    • 10.7 Area and Perimeter of Similar Polygons

    • 10.8 Circumference

    • 10.9 Arc Length

    • 10.10 Area of a Circle

    • 10.11 Area of Sectors and Segments

    • 10.12 Area of Regular Polygons

  • 11 Surface Area and Volume

    • 11.1 Polyhedrons

    • 11.2 Cross-Sections and Nets

    • 11.3 Prisms

    • 11.4 Cylinders

    • 11.5 Pyramids

    • 11.6 Cones

    • 11.7 Spheres

    • 11.8 Composite Solids

    • 11.9 Area and Volume of Similar Solids

  • 12 Rigid Transformations

    • 12.1 Reflection Symmetry

    • 12.2 Rotation Symmetry

    • 12.3 Geometric Translations

    • 12.4 Rotations

    • 12.5 Reflections

    • 12.6 Composition of Transformations

    • 12.7 Tessellations

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