CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1 Chapter 2. Reasoning and Proof

2.6 Truth Tables

Here you’ll learn how to use a truth table to analyze logic.

What if you needed to analyze a complex logical argument? How could you do this is an organized way, making
sure to account for everything? After completing this Concept, you’ll be able to use truth tables as a way to organize
and analyze logic.

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter2TruthTablesA


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James Sousa:Truth Tables


So far we know these symbols for logic:

  • ∼not (negation)

  • →if-then

  • ∴therefore

Two more symbols are:

  • ∧and

  • ∨or

We would write “pandq” asp∧qand “porq” asp∨q.

Truth tables use these symbols and are another way to analyze logic. First, let’s relatepand∼p. To make it easier,
setpas:An even number.Therefore,∼pisAn odd number. Make a truth table to find out if they are both true.
Begin with all the “truths” ofp, true (T) or false (F).

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