CK-12 Geometry Concepts

(Elliott) #1

2.8. Two-Column Proofs

2.8 Two-Column Proofs

Here you’ll learn how to write a two-column geometric proof.

What if you wanted to prove that two angles are congruent? After completing this Concept, you’ll be able to formally
prove geometric ideas with two-column proofs.

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CK-12 Foundation: Chapter2TwoColumnProofsA


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James Sousa:Introduction toProof UsingProperties of Congruence


Atwo-column proofis one common way to organize a proof in geometry. Two-column proofs always have two
columns- statements and reasons. The best way to understand two-column proofs is to read through examples.

When writing your own two-column proof, keep these things in mind:

  • Number each step.

  • Start with the given information.

  • Statements with the same reason can be combined into one step. It is up to you.

  • Draw a picture and mark it with the given information.

  • You must have a reason for EVERY statement.

  • The order of the statements in the proof is not always fixed, but make sure the order makes logical

  • Reasons will be definitions, postulates, properties and previously proven theorems.“Given” is only used
    as a reason if the information in the statement column was told in the problem.

  • Use symbols and abbreviations for words within proofs.For example,∼=can be used in place of the word
    congruent. You could also use^6 for the word angle.

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