Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1


Direct and indirect object pronouns (2)

1 When a direct object pronoun is used with a verb in the present perfect (or
any other compound tense), the past participle must agree in gender and
number with the pronoun:

Particular care must be taken when the gender is not shown in the pronoun,
as in the last three examples.
Note that when the polite form is used, the past participle always agrees
with the feminine pronoun La, not with the gender of the person being
spoken to:

‘Hai invitato Anna e Sara?’ ‘Sì, le
ho invitate.’
‘Avete portato i libri?’ ‘Sì, li
abbiamo portati.’
Ho comprato delle rose e le
ho date a Luisa.
‘Chi ha scritto questa musica?’
‘L’ha scritta Bob Marley.’
‘Dove hai comprato quelle
scarpe?’ ‘Le ho comprate al
Ho 25 compagni di classe e li ho
invitati tutti alla mia festa di
Non ci hanno invitati alla festa.

Mauro mi ha accompagnata alla
Ti hanno invitata?

‘Did you invite Anna and Sara?’ ‘Ye s , I
invited them.’
‘Have you brought the books?’ ‘Ye s ,
we’ve brought them.’
I bought some roses and gave them to
‘Who wrote this music?’ ‘Bob Marley
wrote it.’
‘Where did you buy those shoes?’ ‘I
bought them at the market.’

I have 25 classmates and I’ve invited all
of them to my birthday party.

They didn’t invite us to the party. [we
are all males, or mixed males and
Mauro took me to the station. [the
speaker is female]
Did they invite you? [the person
addressed is female]
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