Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1

6 Stressed forms are always used after anche/pure (also, too), neanche/
nemmeno/neppure (not even, neither), come (as, like), quanto (as much as),
eccetto (che)/meno (che)/tranne (che)/salvo (che) (except, but):

  • The forms eccetto che/meno che/tranne che/salvo che are used when there is a
    preposition before the pronoun.

7 Note that when the stressed forms of the direct object pronouns are used in
a sentence with the verb in a compound tense (see Unit 13, paragraph 1), the
past participle does not agree with the pronoun:

Exercise 1

Replace the English words with the correct Italian ones.

Examples: Mario chiama (them), non (you [pl.]): loro, voi; La nonna ha
dato i soldi a (you [sing.]) e non a (me): te, me

1 Prima accompagno (her) a scuola, poi (you [sing.]) in palestra.
2 Dovete invitare anche (them).
3 Non è venuto nessuno, nemmeno (her).
4 Hanno invitato (us) e non (you [pl.])?!
5 All’esame hanno promosso tutti tranne (me).
6 Credo a tutti meno che a (him).

Invito anche voi.
Devi fare come me.
Maria lavora quanto te.
Devi chiedere anche a noi.
Non credo neppure a lui.
Vengono tutti meno lui.

Faccio questo per tutti meno che*
per lei.
Anna telefona a tutti salvo che* a
Sandro esce con tutti salvo che*
con noi.
Sono tutti contro di noi.

I’m inviting you as well.
You should do as I do/do it like me.
Maria works as much as you (do).
You have to ask us as well.
I don’t believe him either.
They’re all coming except him/
Everyone but him’s coming.
I’m doing/I’ll do this for everyone
except/but her.
Anna phones everyone except/but
Sandro goes out with everybody
except/but us.
They are all against us.

Ho chiamato voi, non loro.
Ho visto lei, ma non ho visto lui.
Lucia ha invitato loro, ma non lui.

I called you, not them.
I saw her, but I didn’t see him.
Lucia has invited them, but not him.
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