Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1

  • When the polite form is used and the auxiliary is essere, the past participle
    agrees with the gender of the person being spoken to, not with Lei.

Past perfect of avere and essere

5 Avere forms the past perfect with the auxiliary avere:

Essere forms the past perfect with the auxiliary essere:

Monica era uscita. [fs]
Pietro era stato malato. [ms]
Fabia e Silvia erano rimaste a casa.
Giulia e Sebastiano erano partiti.
Ero andata al cinema. [fs]

Eravamo arrivati tardi. [mp]

Signor Poli, Lei quando era
arrivato?* [ms]
Signora Poli, Lei quando era
arrivata?* [fs]

Monica had gone out.
Pietro had been ill.
Fabia and Silvia had stayed at home.

Giulia and Sebastiano had left.

I had been/gone to the cinema. [the
speaker is female]
We had arrived late. [the speakers are
males or a mixed group]
When had you arrived, Mr Poli?

When had you arrived, Mrs Poli?

avevo avuto
avevi avuto
aveva avuto
avevamo avuto
avevate avuto
avevano avuto

I had had
you had had
he/she/it had had
we had had
you had had
they had had

ero stato/stata
eri stato/stata
era stato/stata
eravamo stati/state
eravate stati/state
erano stati/state

I had been
you had been
he/she/it had been
we had been
you had been
they had been

Non aveva avuto tempo di finire il
Tanya aveva avuto la varicella.

He hadn’t had time to finish the job.

Tanya had had chickenpox.
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