Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1
l’ is used before words beginning with a vowel or h;
lo is used before words starting with z, gn, ps, s + consonant;
il is used in all other cases;
i is used as the plural of il;
gli is used as the plural of both l’ and lo:

  • The use of lo/gli is due to the initial sound of chef, pronounced in Italian as
    in English (i.e. ‘sh’).

Lo is also used before masculine words starting with i + vowel, x, y:

  • The use of lo/gli is due to the initial sound of juventino, pronounced as
    i + vowel (i.e. like the ‘y’ in English ‘youth’).

4 Care is needed in using the article with nouns ending in -e or -a which can
refer both to male or female persons (see Unit 1, paragraphs 4 and 5):

lo zio
lo gnomo
lo psicologo
lo chef*
lo spettacolo
lo sciopero
il bar
il ristorante
il senso

gli articoli
gli uomini
gli hotel
gli zii
gli gnomi
gli psicologi
gli chef*
gli spettacoli
gli scioperi
i bar
i ristoranti
i sensi

the article(s)
the man/men
the hotel(s)
the uncle(s)
the gnome(s)
the psychologist(s)
the chef(s)
the show(s)
the strike(s)
the bar(s)
the restaurant(s)
the sense(s)

lo ione
lo yuppie
lo xenofobo
lo juventino*

gli ioni
gli yuppie
gli xenofobi
gli juventini*

the ion(s)
the yuppie(s)
the xenophobe(s)
the Juventus fan(s)

il cantante [m]

la cantante [f]

the (male)

the (female)

i cantanti [m]

le cantanti [f]

the singers [male, or
male and female
the (female) singers
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