Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1

10 Regular verbs in -ire are conjugated as follows:

11 Many verbs in -ire (e.g. capire (to understand), costruire (to build), finire
(to finish/to end), preferire (to prefer), pulire (to clean) ) follow a slightly
different pattern, adding -isc- before the singular endings and the third
person plural:

There is no way of telling which is the right pattern for a verb in -ire, other
than to check in a dictionary.

Interrogative form

12 As we saw in Unit 4, the interrogative is formed by adding a question
mark at the end of the sentence:


(io) parto
(tu) parti

To leave
I leave
you leave

(lui/lei) parte
(noi) partiamo
(voi) partite
(loro) partono

he/she/it leaves
we leave
you leave
they leave

Il treno parte alle 8.00.
I miei amici partono domani.
Mia sorella dorme.
Tutte le mattine apriamo le finestre.

The train leaves at eight.
My friends are leaving tomorrow.
My sister is sleeping/asleep.
Every morning we open the windows.


(io) capisco
(tu) capisci
(lui/lei) capisce
(noi) capiamo
(voi) capite
(loro) capiscono

To understand
I understand
you understand
he/she/it understands
we understand
you understand
they understand

Marina capisce tutto.
La lezione finisce alle 13.00.
Preferisco parlare italiano.

Marina understands everything.
The lesson/class finishes at 1 p.m.
I prefer speaking/to speak Italian.

Carla resta a casa?
Prendi sempre la macchina fotografica?
Quando partite?
Capisci tutto?

Is Carla staying at home?
Do you always take the camera?
When are you leaving?
Do you understand everything?
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