Basic Italian: A Grammar and Workbook

(WallPaper) #1

Prepositions of time

15 Some examples of the different prepositions used to denote time:

16 Di is used with the days of the week and parts of the day:

In these cases, di is always used without the definite article.

17 A is used with names of festivities, months and hours of the day:

18 In is used with years, centuries and seasons:

Di domenica non lavoro.
Di sera guardo la tv.
Donatella arriva alle 7.
A Natale rimaniamo a casa.
La scuola finisce a giugno.
nel 2000
nel diciottesimo secolo
In autunno piove molto.

I don’t work on Sundays.
In the evenings I watch TV.
Donatella will arrive at seven.
At Christmas we stay at home.
School ends in June.
in 2000
in the eighteenth century
In autumn it rains a lot.

Di lunedì andiamo in piscina.
Di mattina vado a scuola.

On Mondays we go to the swimming pool.
In the morning I go to school.

A Pasqua Piera va in Italia.
Il museo riapre a marzo.
Il treno parte alle 12.
Di solito mangiano a

At Easter Piera is going to Italy.
The museum reopens/will reopen in March.
The train is leaving at 12.
They normally eat at midday.

Sono nato nel 1990.
Studio il turismo nel XIX secolo.

Gli esami sono in primavera.

I was born in 1990.
I’m studying tourism in the nineteenth
The exams are/will be in the spring.
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