Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

The position space wavefunctions can be recovered from the Fourier inversion

ψ(q,t) =


2 π


eip·qψ ̃(p,t)d^2 p

Since, in the momentum space representation, the momentum operator is
the multiplication operator

Pψ ̃(p) =pψ ̃(p)

an eigenfunction for the Hamiltonian with eigenvalueEwill satisfy

2 m



ψ ̃(p) = 0

ψ ̃(p) can only be non-zero ifE=|p|

2 m, so free particle solutions of energyEwill
thus be parametrized by distributions that are supported on the circle

|p|^2 = 2mE

p 1

p 2


2 mE


Figure 19.1: Parametrizing free particle solutions of Schr ̈odinger’s equation via
distributions supported on a circle in momentum space.

Going to polar coordinatesp= (pcosθ,psinθ), such solutions are given by

distributionsψ ̃(p) of the form

ψ ̃(p) =ψ ̃E(θ)δ(p^2 − 2 mE)
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