Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1



− 2 h


This is the most surprising relation, and it has no simple geometrical
explanation (although one can change variables in the problem to try and
give it one). It expresses a highly non-trivial relationship between the
Hamiltonianhand the two sets of symmetries generated by the vectors

Thewj are cubic in theq andpvariables, so the Groenewold-van Hove
no-go theorem implies that there is no consistent way to quantize this system
by finding operatorsWj,Lj,Hproviding a representation of the Lie algebra
generated by the functionswj,lj,h(taking Poisson brackets). Away from the
locush= 0 in phase space, the functionhcan be used to rescale thewj, defining


2 h


and the functionslj,kjthen do generate a finite dimensional Lie algebra. Quan-
tization of the system can be performed by finding appropriate operatorsWj,
then rescaling them using the energy eigenvalue, giving operatorsLj,Kjthat
provide a representation of a finite dimensional Lie algebra on energy eigenspaces.
A choice of operatorsWjthat will work is



2 m

(L×P−P×L) +e^2



where the last term is the operator of multiplication bye^2 qj/|q|. By elaborate
and unenlightening computations theWjcan be shown to satisfy the commu-
tation relations corresponding to the Poisson bracket relations of thewj:

[Wj,H] = 0

[Lj,Wk] =i~jklWl

[Wj,Wk] =i~jklLl






as well as
L·W=W·L= 0

The first of these shows that energy eigenstates will be preserved not just by the
angular momentum operatorsLj, but by a new set of non-trivial operators, the
Wj, so will be representations of a larger Lie algebra thanso(3). In addition,
one has the following relation betweenW^2 ,Hand the Casimir operatorL^2

W^2 =e^41 +



H(L^2 +~^21 ) (21.2)
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