Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

have the same Lie algebra asSO(3,1), and we will sometimes refer to either
group as the “Lorentz group”.
Recall from chapter 6 that forSO(3) the spin double coverSpin(3) can be
identified with eitherSp(1) (the unit quaternions) orSU(2), and then the action
ofSpin(3) asSO(3) rotations ofR^3 was given by conjugation of imaginary
quaternions (usingSp(1)) or certain 2 by 2 complex matrices (usingSU(2)). In
theSU(2) case this was done explicitly by identifying

(x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 )↔


x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 −x 3


and then showing that conjugating this matrix by an element ofSU(2) was a
linear map leaving invariant



x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 −x 3


=−(x^21 +x^22 +x^23 )

and thus a rotation inSO(3).
The same sort of thing works for the Lorentz group case. Now we identify
R^4 with the space of 2 by 2 complex self-adjoint matrices by

(x 0 ,x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 )↔


x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3


and observe that



x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3


=x^20 −x^21 −x^22 −x^23

This provides a very useful way to think of Minkowski space: as complex self-
adjoint 2 by 2 matrices, with norm-squared minus the determinant of the matrix.
The linear transformation
x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3




x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3


Ω† (40.4)

for Ω∈SL(2,C) preserves the determinant and thus the inner-product, since



x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3


Ω†) =(det Ω) det


x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3


(det Ω†)

=x^20 −x^21 −x^22 −x^23

It also takes self-adjoint matrices to self-adjoints, and thusR^4 toR^4 , since



x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3




x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3





x 0 +x 3 x 1 −ix 2
x 1 +ix 2 x 0 −x 3


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