Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

Maxwell’s equations become just the standard massless wave equation. Since





∂^2 A



∇A 0

=∇(∇·A)−∇^2 A+

∂^2 A



∇A 0





A 0


−∇^2 A+

∂^2 A


=−∇^2 A+

∂^2 A


the Maxwell equation 46.3 is the massless Klein-Gordon equation for the spatial
components ofA.





+∇A 0




∇·A+∇^2 A^20


∂^2 A 0


+∇^2 A 0

so Gauss’s law becomes the massless Klein-Gordon equation forA 0.
Like the temporal gauge, the Lorenz gauge does not completely remove the
gauge freedom. Under a gauge transformation

∂A 0



∂A 0



∂^2 φ

+∇^2 φ

soφthat satisfy the wave equation

∂^2 φ

=∇^2 φ (46.20)

will give gauge transformations that preserve the Lorenz gauge conditionχ(A) =
The four components ofAμcan be treated as four separate solutions of the
massless Klein-Gordon equation, and the theory then quantized in a Lorentz
covariant manner. The field operators will be

Âμ(t,x) =^1
(2π)^3 /^2



d^3 p

2 ωp

using annihilation and creation operators that satisfy

[aμ(p),a†ν(p′)] =±δμνδ(p−p′) (46.21)

where±is +1 for spatial coordinates,−1 for the time coordinate.
Two sorts of problems however arise:

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