Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

topics of typical standard physics textbooks dealing with quantum mechanics
and quantum field theory. Among the most important are:

  • Scattering theory. In the usual single-particle quantum mechanics, one
    can study solutions to the Schr ̈odinger equation that in the far past and
    future correspond to free particle solutions, while interacting with a poten-
    tial at some intermediate finite times. This corresponds to the situation
    analyzed experimentally through the study of scattering processes.
    In quantum field theory one generalizes this to the case of “inelastic scat-
    tering”, where particles are being produced as well as scattered. Such
    calculations are of central importance in high energy physics, where most
    experimental results come from colliding accelerated particles and study-
    ing these sorts of scattering and particle production processes.

  • Perturbation methods. Rarely can one find exact solutions to quantum
    mechanical problems, so one needs to have at hand an array of approxima-
    tion techniques. The most important is perturbation theory, the study of
    how to construct series expansions about exact solutions. This technique
    can be applied to a wide variety of situations, as long as the system in
    question is not too dramatically of a different nature than one for which
    an exact solution exists. In practice this means that one studies in this
    manner Hamiltonians that consist of a quadratic term (and thus exactly
    solvable by the methods we have discussed) plus a higher-order term mul-
    tiplied by a small parameterλ. Various methods are available to compute
    the terms in a power series solution of the theory aboutλ= 0, and such
    calculational methods are an important topic of most quantum mechanics
    and quantum field theory textbooks.

49.2 Other important mathematical physics top-


There are quite a few important mathematical topics which go beyond those
discussed here, but which have significant connections to fundamental physical
theories. These include:

  • Higher rank simple Lie groups. The representation theory of groups
    likeSU(3) has many applications in physics, and is also a standard topic
    in the graduate-level mathematics curriculum, part of the general theory
    of finite dimensional representations of semi-simple Lie groups and Lie
    algebras. This theory uses various techniques to reduce the problem to the
    cases ofSU(2) andU(1) that we have studied. Historically, the recognition
    of the approximateSU(3) symmetry of the strong interactions (because
    of the relatively light masses of the up, down and strange quarks) led
    to the first widespread use of more sophisticated representation theory
    techniques in the physics community.

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