Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

Consider a quantum mechanical system with state spaceH=C^3 and Hamil-
tonian operator


0 1 0

1 0 0

0 0 2

Solve the Schr ̈odinger equation for this system to find its state vector|Ψ(t)〉
at any timet >0, given that the state vector att= 0 was

ψ 1
ψ 2
ψ 3


B.2 Chapters 3 and

Problem 1:
Calculate the exponentialetMfor

0 π 0
−π 0 0
0 0 0

by two different methods:

  • Diagonalize the matrixM(i.e., write asPDP−^1 , forDdiagonal), then
    show that

− 1
and use this to computeetM.

  • CalculateetMusing the Taylor series expansion for the exponential, as
    well as the series expansions for the sine and cosine.

Problem 2:
Consider a two-state quantum system, with Hamiltonian

H=−Bxσ 1

(this is the Hamiltonian for a spin^12 system subjected to a magnetic field in the

  • Find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues ofH. What are the possible energies
    that can occur in this quantum system?

  • If the system starts out at timet= 0 in the state






(i.e., spin “up”) find the state at later times.
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