Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians

(lily) #1

Γ =



(1− 2 a†FjaFj)

Γ =cγ 1 γ 2 ···γ 2 d
for some constantc. Computec.

  • γjΓ + Γγj= 0
    for allj.

  • Γ^2 = 1

  • P±=



( 1 ±Γ)

are projection operators onto subspacesH+andH−ofHF.

  • Show thatH+andH−are each separately representations ofspin(n) (i.e.,
    the representation operators commute withP±).

Problem 4:
Using the fermionic analog of Bargmann-Fock to construct spinors, and the
inner product 31.3, show that the operatorsaFj andaF†j are adjoints with
respect to this inner product.

B.15 Chapters 33 and 34

Problem 1:
Consider a two dimensional version of the Pauli equation that includes a
coupling to an electromagnetic field, with Hamiltonian



2 m

((P 1 −eA 1 )^2 + (P 2 −eA 2 )^2 )−

2 m

Bσ 3

whereA 1 andA 2 are functions ofq 1 ,q 2 and


∂A 2

∂q 1

∂A 1

∂q 2

Show that this is a supersymmetric quantum mechanics system, by finding
operatorsQ 1 ,Q 2 that satisfy the relations 33.1.

Problem 2:
For the three choices of inner product given in section 34.3, show that the

inner product is invariant under the action of the groupE ̃(3) on the space of

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