1:30-5:30 Sociological Perspectives on Global Climate Change: Sociologists make five-
minute individual presentations that identify:
• one major thing we know about the sociology of global climate change
• one major thing we need to know about the sociology of global climate change
6:00-8:00 DINNER (off campus)
SATURDAY, May 31 (8:30-3:30): Stafford I, Room 110
8:00-8:30 BREAKFAST (catered in conference room)
8:30-10:30 Working Sessions: Participants work in groups to draft statements responding to
these questions which will become basis for Final Report.
• What do we know now—what are main bodies of knowledge about sociology climate
• What do we need to know—where can sociology make a contribution and what should
be our future research agenda?
• What tools do we need to find out what we need to know?
• How do we increase sociology’s broader participation in the human dimensions of
climate change research?
• What next after this workshop?
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:30 Working Session Reports
12:30-1:30 LUNCH (catered in conference room)
1:30-3:00 Open Discussion: Workshop participants, observers, audience
3:00-3:30 Final Wrap Up Session
Appendix 2: Workshop Agenda