Psychology of Space Exploration

(singke) #1
Subject Index

International Trans-Antarctic, 66
Interpersonal, 148, 154, 160, 169, 172–173
interaction, 10, 86, 110, 140, 149, 153,
159, 160–162, 164–168, 172, 182
relationships, 1, 10, 27, 159, 160, 172,
Isolation, 8, 15, 26, 49, 52, 54–55, 58–59, 61,
67, 70–73, 75, 86, 125
Italy, 73, 179, 185
Jahn, Sigmund, 179
Japan, 146, 157, 179, 185, 188–189
Job analysis, 38
Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, 21,
82, 183
Jones, David R., 36
Kaminski, Megan A., 14, 200, 209
Kanas, Nick, 2, 8, 32, 137
Kass, J., 2
Kass, R., 2
Kennedy, John F., 39
Key Largo, 70
Kon-Tiki, 62
Korolev, Sergey, 48
Krikalev, Sergei, 99
Kring, Jason, 14, 181–183, 200, 209–210
Kubis, Joseph, 8
Kushner, K., 187
Lady Franklin Bay, 65–66
Laika, 18
Latané, Bibb, 121
Launius, Roger, 23
Lebedev, Valentin, 131, 153
Lehman, D. R., 192
Leon, Gloria, 15, 210–211
Lindsley, Donald B., 9
Linenger, Jerry, 29, 81, 151, 154
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC),
160–161, 167–168, 172
Lomov, B. F., 32
Long-duration missions, 47, 61–62, 69, 154,
173, 183, 196
Long-duration spaceflight (LDSF), 126, 129,

Long-term vs. short-term time orientation,
62, 69, 75
Lovelace, Randall, 39
Lovelace Clinic, 34, 39
Mercury astronauts, 39, 129
women tested at, 39, 129
Low, George, 24
Lowell, Percival, 48
Lucid, Shannon, 150–151, 169
Lugg, Desmond, 21
Lunar missions, 11–12, 20, 30, 42–43, 86,
104–105, 119, 126, 147, 174–175, 196,
198–199. See also Apollo
Management, 7, 55, 177, 181–182
Mars, 126, 141
Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station
(FMARS), 74–75
Haughton-Mars Project (HMP), 74
human missions, 11–13, 16, 30, 42–43,
58, 73, 80, 86, 101, 104–105, 119,
123, 126, 130, 141, 174–175, 196,
Mars Desert Research Station
(MDRS), 75
Mars Society, The, 74–76
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville,
Alabama, 67
Marxism, 155
Masculinity-femininity, 188, 190
ranks in, for Japan, Russia, and the
United States, 188–189
McCrae, R. R., 60
McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Corporation,
107–108, 113
McKinley, Mt., 99
McLaughlin, Edward J., 8
Measurement, 10
“big-eye,” 71
critical incidents, 187
depression, 71–72
group fission, 58
group fusion, 58
hostility, 71
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