Psychology of Space Exploration

(singke) #1
Authors Cited

Hochstadt, J., 45
Hofstede, G., 187–189
Hofstede, G. J., 188–189
Holland, A. W., 26, 37–38, 55, 61, 128, 150,
Hollenbeck, J. R., 130
Holquist, M., 144
Holsti, O. R., 155
Honingfeld, R., 67
House Committee on the Judiciary, 40
Howard, N., 70
Huntoon, C. L., 29, 182
Hysong, S. J., 182
Ihle, E. C., 86, 88, 147
Ilgen, D. R., 130
Ilies, R., 61
Inoue, N., 182
Jahoda, G., 178
James, D., 60
Johannes, B., 182
Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C., 130
Jones, D. R., 36
Judge, T. A., 61
Jurion, S., 132
Kaiser, M. K., 13
Kaltenbach, J. L., 82
Kanas, N., 2, 8, 31–32, 41, 51–52, 56, 68,
86, 88, 126, 128, 131, 137, 140, 147–148,
150–151, 153–154, 182
Kane, R. L., 31
Kanki, B. O., 56
Kass, J., 2–3
Kass, R., 2–3
Kealry, D. J., 182
Kelly, A. D., 31, 148
Kelly, D. R., 133, 147
Killworth, P., 62–64
Kirkcaldy, B. D., 131
Klein, W., 71
Kluger, J., 50
Kocher, T., 57
Kolintchenko, V. A., 52, 68
Kosslyn, S. M., 45

Kozerenko, O. P., 2, 32, 150–151, 154
Kraft, N., 182
Krell, R., 160
Kring, J. P., 181–183
Kubis, J. F., 8
Kumar, P., 148, 152–154
Landers, D. M., 136
Langfred, C. W., 133
Larson, M., 45
Latané, B., 121
Launius, R. D., 24
Lazarus, R. S., 160
Le Scanff, C., 61
Lebedev, V., 50, 131, 149, 153, 173
Lehman, D. R., 192
Lenoir, W. B., 82
Leon, G. R., 71, 182
LePine, J. A., 60, 130
Liddle, D. A., 82
Lieberman, P., 45
Lindsley, D. B., 9
Linenger, J. M., 29, 150–151, 154
Link, M. M., 34
Linklater, E., 63
Lomov, B. F., 32
Lonner, W. J., 178
Looper, L., 128, 181
Lovell, J., 50
Lowe, C. A., 135
Lowman, P. D., Jr., 82
Lucid, S., 150–151, 169
Lugg, D. J., 21
Lulla, K. P., 81, 83
Mallis, M. M., 31, 63
Manzey, D., 41, 68, 86, 126, 128, 131, 140,
147, 153, 182, 197
Marcondes-North, R., 128, 181
Marmar, C. R., 2, 32, 88, 150–151, 154
Mars Institute, The, 74
Mars Society, The, 76
Marsch, S., 57
Mather, S., 45
Matsuzaki, I., 182
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