The Utopian Communist: A Biography of Wilhelm Weitling

(Barré) #1

from the reviews of his book, both favorable and unfavorable,
which had appeared in papers such as the Aachener Zeitung, Die
Schweizerzeitung, the Kölnische Zeitung, the Züricher Landbote,
the Paris Vorwärts, La Patrie of Switzerland, and the London
Times.^30 Comments from men like Bruno Bauer and Wilhelm
Marr were transcribed into the personal copy which Weitling
carried with him to the United States.
Werner Sombart, in his monumental work on proletarian social-
ism, lists Weitling's Garantieen with Louis Blanc's L'organisation
du travail, Proudhon's Qu'est ce que la propriété?, Cabet's Voyage
en Icarie and Moses Hess's Die europäische Triearchie, among the
"decisive works of the second period" in the evolution of socialist
thought. As late as 1901, Juarès, the famous French socialist, was
still citing Weitling's major work in the Paris socialist newspaper,
La Petite République; and Morris Hillquit, historian of American
Socialism, characterized Weitling's social theory as "the connect-
ing link between primitive and modern socialism."^31

(^30) See Barnikol, Weitling der Gefangene, 256-60; Rep. d. Arb., June 14, 1851;
Mehring's introduction to Jubilee Edition of Weitling's Garantieen, xxiii;
Karl Grün, Ludwig Feuerbach in seinem Briefwechsel und Nachlass (Leipzig,
1874), I, 365; London Communist Chronical, I (1843), No. 14, 151; and Bruno
Bauer, Parteikämpfer (Berlin, 1874), passim.
(^31) Sombart, Der Proletarische Sozialismus, I, 25; Morris Hillquit, History of
Socialism in the United States (New York, 1903), 161; see also "Wilhelm Weit-
ling und sein System der Harmonie und Freiheit," Die Zukunft, I (1878), 583-
94, 606-15, m which the writer referred to Weitling as "one of the most impor-
tant and generally forgotten authors." Mr. Harvey Goldberg has supplied the
reference to La Petite République, December 28, 1901.

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